Unfortunately, Saturday morning just before 9:15am we had someone drop off some items without permission. The gentleman came to our office, walked up to our door, saw no one was there so he went across the road to the dump. He then returned to our office and proceeded to dump the items (a mattress & 2 couches).
If you are the person or recognize the vehicle please please please reach out to us. [I have a photo of the person as well & will post it later]
{We would LOVE to take care of this without involving any officials}
As we’re hoping it was just an innocent mistake.
Thank you for any help you can give!
“Let us ‘Hall’ your garbage so you don’t have to!” 👍🏻
((Family owned + operated!!))
@Hall's Waste Management ♻️
℡.№ 270.489.6005
✉ michelle@hallswm.com
✉ kala@hallswm.com
✉ darington@hallswm.com
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