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Michelle Hall

Routes + Weather

With all the weather updates; we’re bound to start getting asked, “What will you do about the routes?”

We know the chances are increasing, but right now we’re leaving it at [we don’t know].

We’re hoping to have Thursday routes completed before the weather hits. Then with Friday routes; we will have to wait & see how bad the roads actually are before making that call.

((if the roads are too bad then we will not put our drivers at risk & we will be closed))

BUT we will keep everyone updated!

let’s hope it doesn’t get too nasty!!

Everyone stay safe & warm!

We appreciate everyone’s understanding!

• • •

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us!

Thank you for supporting our small business! ♡

“Let us ‘Hall’ your garbage so you don’t have to!”

((Family owned + operated!!))

@Hall's Waste Management

425 Landfill Road Kirksey KY

8a-4p Monday-Friday

℡.№ 270.489.6005

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